30 September 2008

Delphi 2009

I downloaded a trial version of Delphi 2009 Architect to see if much has changed with Delphi. So far I've hit the following issues:
  • Cannot enter '\' in the installer. So, typing C:\dir resulted in dirC:. Most bizarre.
  • Circular uses clause still exists. Tsk, tsk. This is 2009, how come we're still living in the dark ages?
  • Still cannot have local variables per begin...end block.
  • Cannot export functions declared in C source files. The linker warning is undocumented, the symbol doesn't appear in the DLL.
  • C++ Builder doesn't distinguish name of project and name of a file in the project. More dark ages.
  • No way for Delphi to see C++ Builder class except via COM.  How pedestrian. I can do this in Visual C++ with Managed C++.
After spending a year developing with C#, managed C++ and C++, going back to Delphi was... interesting.

Looks like the following has been fixed - it only took, what, four years?
  • Select a token, hit F1. Delphi 2005, 2006 couldn't find its own help. Delphi 2009 can.
  • .NET support for .NET 2.0. What about 3.0/3.5?
I think my original decision not to buy any further upgrades to Delphi/C++ Builder stands. It's still broken; it's not worth it.


Mandroka said...

What would you use Delphi for?

Pete Goodwin said...

I used to write a lot of applications in Delphi, but no longer.

C# has its weaknesses but the language is far better than Object Pascal.